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We operate a full range of construction health, safety and environmental training courses. We can also organise bespoke training courses to meet your business requirements. If you can’t see what you are looking for please contact us. We are more than happy to discuss your needs and help in any way we can. Click on Training to see our latest service offerings.

Site Inspections

The CSSNW's qualified safety officers carry out many unannounced site audits.  These are conducted in a highly professional manner and the findings are recorded within an electronic report, at the end of which a score is given for that particular site.  The report is then circulated to various site managers, employees and directors etc. the names of which have been agreed prior to the visit. We aim to make at least one visit/site every 3-4 weeks.  These inspections assist members to reduce the risk of accidents, take the necessary steps to minimise danger and remain compliant with industry regulations."

All members have access to many benefits and services offered by the CSSNW.  Our safety officers are available by telephone each weekday in order for advice to be given immediately.  The "member's area" of this website allows access to the latest health and safety information, including downloads of various templates, newsletters, HSE news feeds and other relevant items. Note:You will need to register for an account to access this area. Click on Membership to access handy templates and documents.



The CSSNW was established in 1968 as a non profit making organisation, to provide independent health and safety provision for construction companies throughout the North West.  It was formed by members for the benefit of members - a principle which still exists today.  Our aim is to assist members improve their health and safety standards within the work place by working directly with the SMEs.  We successfully achieve this with our highly experienced and qualified safety officers providing members with advice and guidance on current legislation and best practices.  Our officers have a wealth of knowledge gained over many years of experience within the industry."




Year Established
Projects Completed
Contractors Appointed

Tel: 01942 729770




For membership enquiries or other queries, please complete the form below and submit or
Email - or
Telephone  - 01942 729770"

Thanks for submitting!

Head Office

Construction Safety Services (NW) Limited

Office 6, Phoenix House

Kidglove Road



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You can download our Privacy Notice (here)


© 2018 by CSSNW Safety Services NW

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